Sunday, July 15, 2012

IT'S THE HOLIDAYS! (also Ed Sheeran lolxD)

Sorry I haven't posted in ages. I was on an activity holiday, WHICH WAS COOL:D We did lots of cool stuff:3 We didn't do archery though, ME AND MY FRIEND WANTED TO DO OUR KATNISS EVERDEEN IMPRESSIONS:/ Lol n_n
Anyways, because it's the holidays I will be posting stuff more. YAAAAY! *party music* WOOOOOP!

Lately I've been listening to Ed Sheeran more and I love his songs^.^
Songs of his that I like are:
- Drunk
- Grade 8
- U.N.I
- Give Me Love
- You Need Me, I Don't Need You
- Lego House

Well I like all of them but those are the ones which are the best...
I felt like saying all that Ed Sheeran stuff even though it has nothing to do with MSP. Vut whatever... xD



  1. add me evveryonne JayBayBay4

  2. I like Grade 8 I listen to it almost every day RANDOM SHOUT Out: CHARLIE SHEEN! Idk who he is but he sounds like a hobo with a mustache xD
