Monday, February 13, 2012

Random people on MSP-.-

I went on the MSP game 'crazy cards' cos i was bored out of my mind. I get to a game, and as soon as i'm there this happens:

This guy JJ-Z 2300 was in the game room and I was like "Dude, i'm not gonna be your best friend when I haven't even said anything to you, freak"

And ALSO, when you go to check your friend requests, there's always random people who you don't have ANY mutual friends with, who have just added you, and you're like "I DO NOT KNOW YOU SO THEREFORE I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR FRIEND REQUEST, YOU STALKER!"

So yah... comment if you have had any experiences with this blah de blah and so on...

PEACEOUT! ✌(◠‿◠)


  1. I've had experience. One time, I was on my backup acc. and I went into a chatroom b/c I was very bored. And about 5 seconds after I appeared some random dude that I hadn't even said one word too asked me to be his girlfriend. Then this other dude later on came up to me in the chatroom and said "Hey sweetiepie" O.O

    1. Omg ikr! I was on and I was really bored so I went to the skate park and out of no where is t
      Girl asks to be friends I say no she asks 5 more times then she asks why won't you be my friend I said I haven't said a freaking thing to u yet at this time ur annoying me so I DO NOT want to be your friend she got mad and said I was a 'meanie' I said what are you 5? You can go ride ur triclce to the liabary when you have a full vocab come back and try to at least make me yawn she left and I saw her in my room I threatened to report her she said okay okay just plz don't too late for her cuz I did already! Ah stalkers..
